A slot, or limit on the planned aircraft operations, is a tool used in airport coordination to manage air traffic and to avoid repeated delays caused by too many flights trying to take off or land at the same time. A slot may be issued by an airline, or by the air traffic control (ATC) network manager. These slots are traded and can be very valuable – one was sold in 2016 for a record amount of $75 million!
A Slot Receiver
A Slot receiver is a type of wide receiver who lines up in the middle of the field. They can stretch the defense vertically and are more effective on short and intermediate passes than a boundary receiver.
The slot is a special position in the NFL, and every team has at least one receiver that excels at it. Some teams use them more than others, but the slot receiver is an important part of every offense.
Unlike outside wide receivers, slot receivers are smaller and shorter than their counterparts. This means that they need to run precise routes and have good hands. In addition to this, they need to have excellent chemistry with their quarterback.
They also need to be able to block, more so than outside receivers. This helps them in the passing game as well, and they can pick up blitzes from linebackers or secondary players.
Route Running: A Slot receiver needs to have great speed and be very accurate with their routes. They need to be able to run them to the inside and outside, as well as deep and short. The more routes they master, the better.
Good chemistry: A slot receiver needs to have good chemistry with their quarterback. They need to be able to get on the same page, and when they do, their success is inevitable. They also need to know which defenders are where on the field, and when they should move around in pre-snap motion.
Timing: A Slot receiver needs to be very accurate when catching passes and timing their run plays, just like outside wide receivers do. If they don’t, their receiver-quarterback chemistry will suffer.
A Slot receiver is usually the best route runners on their team. This is because they have room to run most routes, and are typically a little faster than their outside wide receiver counterparts.
They are also a big help on blocking, and are often used as a running back from time to time. If a running back isn’t available, they can pick up blitzes, protect the run, and provide depth for the quarterback on pass plays.
Blocking: A Slot receiver is usually used as a blocker on run plays. They can pick up blitzes from their assigned defenders and give the running back room to run the ball.
Slot receivers are a very important part of every offense, but they are especially helpful in the passing game. They are often the best route runners on their team, and can be very effective in catching passes, as long as they have good chemistry with their quarterback.